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Welcome to  Aspriket's blog


This is a place where thoughts can exist. 

Not only thoughts that are beautiful, but also thoughts that chafe. 

Uncomfortable. Thoughts that don't seem to fit.

Just as life is. Spread out and impossible to put together.

I have blogged since 2010 when I started the blog MammaMind via Blogspot. It came from the fact that life gave me three children in three years and struggling with motherhood occupied my whole being. I am proud and happy about that time, although it also contained a lot of struggle and pain.

But really, my writing has nothing to do with my parenting. My writing is a valve,a bottom plug,for all the thoughts and feelings that crowd into my body. It's about being human.


Because I found it misleading with the name MammaMind, as it is about beingpersonrather than mother - so I have renamed the blog to Aspriket.

However, all posts since 2010 are still to read through in the original blog on Blogspot, by clickinghere. But I have also transferred the posts from Blogspot here to the website's own blog, it is there180 poststo deep dive among! So just scroll down among the posts to find yourself back in time, alternatively search for specific (or part of) titles in the search function.

A lot has happened since MammaMind's blog days. Today, all my children are about to become teenagers. I am divorced, have lived with Daniel for three years and have a nice bonus son. I have also struggled with fatigue syndrome, something that still deeply affects my everyday life today. Being human I see as being a buoy bobbing on the ocean of life. Sometimes you are pulled deep below the surface and sometimes you float happily on crystal clear water. And everything in between - life happens.

Så du är varmt välkommen att dela min resa i allt som själva hissnande livet_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_bids.

It's about life. About failing. Love. Rejoice. Be disappointed. About life, where everything has to fit. And what happens when you think that everything must not take place.

If you want to know who I am and what my background is, you are welcome to read more under the tab"About the Asparagus".

Helena Timaeus,

blog writer

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